While it is only the very beginning there are already advertising trends that have proven to be worth the effort. I sent out personal emails to all my friends and family thanking them for their support and inviting them to my shop, I updated all my pictures and tags on my Flickr, and invited everyone through my Facebook status to my shop. I know these have been the most effective because of my Analytics Reports I get every 24 hours about my shops activity!
I have also worked every day to edit my pictures with Picasa (also free!) and update my tags to attract more relevant searches. It seems like a lot of work, but it is worth it because I have put a lot of my heart and soul into developing my creations, my shop and my web presence. I look forward to all my future milestones!
Projects in the Works:
-The Snow Queen's Palace: a miniature house fit for the iciest royalty
-The Rookery: a homage to darkness and sure to be a Halloween favorite
-Country Mouse House: still working on the concept of this one but I want it to be very farm rustic
-Cinderella's Carriage: also still in the planning stages but sure to be lots of fun
So happy for you sis!